The name ‘People for People’ represents our goal and mission: as engaged members of the community, we bring people together and create a healthy community, and strong relationships among us.
Upcoming Events
!!!Polish Heritage Day 2025!!!
POLISH HERITAGE DAY – NAJWIĘKSZA IMPREZA POLONIJNA W WEST MIDLANDS! Polska energia, polska kultura, polskie smaki – wszystko to w jednym miejscu! Polish Heritage Day to wydarzenie, którego nie możecie przegapić! Będzie masa atrakcji, ale o tym opowiemy w kolejnych postach… Teraz Wasza misja – zapraszajcie rodzinę, znajomych, każdego, kto kocha dobrą zabawę i polskie […]
!! Volleyball Tournament 2025 !!
Volleyball Tournament – Sign up today! Do you have a team? Do you practice volleyball? Or maybe you used to play and want to get back on the pitch? This is the perfect opportunity to test your skills and experience sporting emotions! When? May 18, starting at 10:00 Where? Aston Old Edwardians Rugby Football Club […]

Building Bridges
We are a migrant-led organisation that runs activities aimed to improve the community of north Birmingham through integration, support and accessible wellbeing activities, and provide opportunities for people to connect and strengthen communities
Through our activities, we hope to strengthen local networks, empower other migrants, and close gaps in communication and culture.
This Is Just The Beginning
We strive to provide opportunities for the community we work with.
Among our many projects are digital skills workshops, housing advice sessions, employability support, English classes, bike rides, recreational volleyball, voting rights campaigns and seasonal events for families. We respond directly to the needs identified in the community, and our work is informed by the very people we work with